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Monday, November 7, 2011

live your life to the fullest.........................

he was at the top of the 8th floor of a building. he can't find a meaning to his life. he is an alcoholic addict. there is no worth in his life. he was about to suicide himself, falling down from that building. suddenly he saw a woman pace towards him worryingly. It made him split of a second to identify this woman as his loving wife. when this woman got closer to this guy, she tried to console him by giving lot of advises. but the bottom line of all those advises was just one precious value, no one ever understands.

value your life & live it to the fullest...........................

however this woman managed to rescue his husband's life from the immense disaster he was going to embrace, due to the meaningless behavior of him according to his ideas. though this guy didn't understand the real meaning of those words at that point itself, when the life flew by he understood the specialty of himself. this guy made a great vocalist of a great music band later.

sometimes in your life you feel so fed up with the problems. you can't find any specialty in your life comparing to others. therefore you try to give up your life. you feel as if your life isn't worth of anything. but no one knows how special you are to yourself, if you live it to the fullest.

there are millions of people who live with the fear of dying at the next moment, who live with the unbearable hunger and thirsty. Each and every second they wish to have your life, where you try to give it up due to the fact that you can't find a specialty in yourself.

but what about those people then.....................

this life is a gift from god, so don't try to give it up due to the unstoppable problems. because the people who have severe problems than you wish to have your life as if it's a heaven. therefore just think twice whether you want be a person to give away the privilege you have to live in a heaven......................................

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's just an another ordinary day

I opened my eyes early in the morning, when the sun kisses the top of the sky. when the gentle breeze contact on my skin, I was inspired to face the challenges of another human day. When I confronted my mom after a while, I happened to know it is my 22nd birthday after all, with her warm wishes. hmm..........I'm 22 years old boy now, despite the heavy burden on my shoulders yet, to inherit a valuable human being into this society.

being a 22 year old young man, u should have to have a memorable odyssey about the passed hurdles to get into the place you are at the moment. some sacrifices you have done to accomplish your aspirations might have paid off well. By contrast, some might not have paid off as you anticipated. whatever they are, these bunch of experiences make nice flow to a magnificent odyssey, when you turn back and imagine at the latter part of your life. You ought to undertake things that will make some betterment to this society, when you try to accomplish your aspirations. As far as I'm concerned, if you do so, you could make a delightful human being out of yourself, when you stair at the evening orange sky at the latter part of your life, reading a book.

As for me, I'm an undergraduate, as of now. when I turn back and imagine my odyssey up to now, I'm happy about the way I've lived. Ever since I pledged myself that I won't be used to alcoholism, I haven't swallowed at least a drop of alcohol through my throat up to now. It lies in my mind as a precious to make a smile out of a tear, whenever I'm depressed about life. Despite the obstacles I've confronted, I was able to ace my education. As of now, I've been fortunate enough to get qualified to the best university in Sri Lanka for my higher education. Whenever I could, I taught my friend, cousins etc. Someone could easily say I haven't paid off for the job I did. Apparently I haven't paid off financially, but personally I believe I've paid off to ace my education one way or another as a gift. I've faced many issues to continue on my education, on top of that financial problem made it worse. Therefore I was given a gifted ramification to confront the financial problem by this nature, since the betterment I did assisting people to learn. As of now, I'm a teacher. being a teacher, I've been paved the way to continue in my education without hesitating as well as to enlighten the lives of humans, who do hard works to hitch up the wall named education using their utmost courage, to see a better future.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

the story of a lotus flower....................

I was awake, yet my body was asleep. It was just because of the yell of my mother. I tried to
listen carefully to what she was yelling about, after twisting little bit on my bed. "Dinesh, get up,
you have the reputation of studying one of the best universities in Sri lanka. people think you are a great guy.but look at your work. your cloths are here and there. you room is like a hell. you are a shame to that university. oh my god, 2000 bucks worth of your watch is on the floor. "for a fact I knew it can't be 2000 bucks, as my girlfriend gifted it to me. I was thinking sarcastically meanwhile." Dinesh clean up this mess today itself, before I get really mad. "
when the harsh sound faded away in the atmosphere, I turned to a side in the bed to close my eyes again as if nothing happened. for a little while whole atmosphere was calm, but again it was interrupted with my mother's voice. this time it was from our garden. "Dinesh look at the pond here. it's utterly dark. If a visitor comes to our home, he will be wondered if the people in this house don't have enough time to clean up this pond even. what a shame. Dinesh get up now itself, clean this pond. i won't tell you again". I was convinced that there is no redemption for me. therefore I stepped out from my room and headed off to the garden. I paced towards the pond. well guess what, I was convinced about the bitter truth my mother told me. that pond was like a big hole of mud. It's bad smell was spreading through the atmosphere making our noses unbearable.
I was thinking about the heavy burden in my shoulders to clean this mess up today itself, sitting on the grass floor. Suddenly, my eyes contacted with a fascinating thing on that dirty hole of mud. it's beautiful. it's a lotus flower. It exists as if a glimmering precious to lit up that dark hole. it's beauty spreads on the whole pond to convert it into a heaven from the dark hell. when the trees sway gently in the breeze, sunshine falls in to the petals of the flower to reflect literally a nice colour. "hey can you equate the beauty of me with any flower that has been born a garden like a heaven". thoughts of that lotus flower whisper in the atmosphere. though lotus flower was born in that smelly mud, it could accustom to make that hell into a heaven. hmmmmmmmmm. I was in my world of thoughts at the vicinity of the pond.

Friday, May 20, 2011

My Entrepreneurship and the Long term goal accordingly.......................................

After reading the book "screw it, let's do it", i was inclined to think of starting something by my own. it had been so wonderful to be obsessed with the idea "entrepreneurship". In contrast to being a follower, you are given the privilege to flex your acting muscles, being an entrepreneur. I had been dreaming about the "entrepreneurship", even when I got the book "screw it, let's do it" in to my hands.
being inspired by a global entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson, my aspirations had been growing to seek for an explicit strategy to make money raining, Indeed just not for the sake of my wealth & reputation, but also for the betterment of the pathetic lives in this modern society. I couldn't articulate my aspirations even to myself due to the bunch of obstacles I was confronted with. I wasn't sure if my credentials & caliber are sufficient enough to deal with the obstacles or any additional ramifications of the process, if there any. I was sure there will be bunch of those though.

being a dreamer to become an entrepreneur, initial question you should concern is that, "what are my long term goals?". Accordingly you should draw an explicit business plan to attain your prescribed goals. those are the salient points I learnt via the book "Entrepreneurship". Improvised beginning to carry out the process will make yourself compel to wind up whatever you do, soon. being a futile entrepreneur wasn't my dream, but rather to become a spectacular performer. So what would I do?

having confronted so many obstacles in my life, I knew exactly how should you encourage your potential to be a successful man in this modern society, given that you were born in a normal family. Education would be the golden key that open the door called "your valuable life". hmmm. In fact an entrepreneur should commit to the long haul. In my views that long haul should embody the betterment of this society. Accordingly I was inclined to think of the best entrepreneurship as of then, that I could carry out towards the betterment of this society, which happened to be my aspiring long term goal. I didn't want to verify my long term goal twice, as I knew that was exactly what I want.

Having defined my long term goal, I was eager to seek after the business plan I should draw to utilize my long term goal. In fact I wanted to take a radical action to be progressive. It was not just because of my growing appetite to be successful, but also I happened to be a person who gets satisfied by doing something to make others successful.

soooooo was I able to take a radical action???????????????????????????????

To be continued.....................;) ;)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Alcoholism & your wife..............

Even before the sun hides himself into the deep sea.....

try to utilize the creeping appetite, giving up even the last cent earned............

pace towards the horrible hell pledging his soul "this is the last time"

drop by drop swallow as if a precious, pleading with devils to fill the glass wit lava........

conceal his unconscious, until whole world get circulated around the head.........

leave the hell

stumble towards the empire, to show up his powers.........

when the queen of his empire acknowledges the presence

try to scold at her, even if she clutches his body tightly to protest the collapse to the floor,

making her burst into sobs.............

using his absurd man power as a concealed weapon,

try to condemn her, accusing her innocence.............

yet she wait, that tomorrow god will make a difference

by showing the correct path to her husband, as an illusion........

she is so pathetic.....

to rectify the point where all went wrong..........

she couldn't help this addiction though........

she will be waited, waited, waited..............

until the day of the presence of her king of the empire being fully conscious .......

to enjoy & make love to him.....

but when.......................

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Maths paper......................

It was the shimmering time.

in my desert teenage life

refusing all the heavy burdens, just lighting up my delightful soul......

surpassing all the delightful junctions, rejecting the salient junction named "education".......

I wasn't conscious how salient though...

just tried to live with the teenage happiness.

the day I went to write the "Maths paper", without having any creeping fear....

when I got the paper, I inclined to think for an illusion......

that all the solutions will circulate around my head as a miracle

nothing circulated though, even a bit.......

I tried to stumble towards the goal "writing paper"......

but no one was there to assist me..

I twisted, leaned forward & drop backwards myself in the chair...


I was so pathetic.....

when I headed off from the hall with the desperation.....

no one near by my side......

It was the moment though..

that I determined my life, to make a difference........

hence I was inclined to emphasize on.............

"MY EDUCATION"................................................................

Friday, April 1, 2011

first day I saw u.....................

u were wandering here & there..

as a glowing piece of paper against the wind..

It was as though a shining soul

emerged to lit up ma glimmering destiny

i wasn't conscious,

how long I'm gonna be confused

I wanted to be confused though

with your smile..............

are u the angel,

god has created, to make me happy......

I would be stammered......

In front of your pretty soul...

,as I didn't know, which grabbed me...

but yet,

I know that you would make an immense change...

In my desert life....................