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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's just an another ordinary day

I opened my eyes early in the morning, when the sun kisses the top of the sky. when the gentle breeze contact on my skin, I was inspired to face the challenges of another human day. When I confronted my mom after a while, I happened to know it is my 22nd birthday after all, with her warm wishes. hmm..........I'm 22 years old boy now, despite the heavy burden on my shoulders yet, to inherit a valuable human being into this society.

being a 22 year old young man, u should have to have a memorable odyssey about the passed hurdles to get into the place you are at the moment. some sacrifices you have done to accomplish your aspirations might have paid off well. By contrast, some might not have paid off as you anticipated. whatever they are, these bunch of experiences make nice flow to a magnificent odyssey, when you turn back and imagine at the latter part of your life. You ought to undertake things that will make some betterment to this society, when you try to accomplish your aspirations. As far as I'm concerned, if you do so, you could make a delightful human being out of yourself, when you stair at the evening orange sky at the latter part of your life, reading a book.

As for me, I'm an undergraduate, as of now. when I turn back and imagine my odyssey up to now, I'm happy about the way I've lived. Ever since I pledged myself that I won't be used to alcoholism, I haven't swallowed at least a drop of alcohol through my throat up to now. It lies in my mind as a precious to make a smile out of a tear, whenever I'm depressed about life. Despite the obstacles I've confronted, I was able to ace my education. As of now, I've been fortunate enough to get qualified to the best university in Sri Lanka for my higher education. Whenever I could, I taught my friend, cousins etc. Someone could easily say I haven't paid off for the job I did. Apparently I haven't paid off financially, but personally I believe I've paid off to ace my education one way or another as a gift. I've faced many issues to continue on my education, on top of that financial problem made it worse. Therefore I was given a gifted ramification to confront the financial problem by this nature, since the betterment I did assisting people to learn. As of now, I'm a teacher. being a teacher, I've been paved the way to continue in my education without hesitating as well as to enlighten the lives of humans, who do hard works to hitch up the wall named education using their utmost courage, to see a better future.

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