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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Alcoholism & your wife..............

Even before the sun hides himself into the deep sea.....

try to utilize the creeping appetite, giving up even the last cent earned............

pace towards the horrible hell pledging his soul "this is the last time"

drop by drop swallow as if a precious, pleading with devils to fill the glass wit lava........

conceal his unconscious, until whole world get circulated around the head.........

leave the hell

stumble towards the empire, to show up his powers.........

when the queen of his empire acknowledges the presence

try to scold at her, even if she clutches his body tightly to protest the collapse to the floor,

making her burst into sobs.............

using his absurd man power as a concealed weapon,

try to condemn her, accusing her innocence.............

yet she wait, that tomorrow god will make a difference

by showing the correct path to her husband, as an illusion........

she is so pathetic.....

to rectify the point where all went wrong..........

she couldn't help this addiction though........

she will be waited, waited, waited..............

until the day of the presence of her king of the empire being fully conscious .......

to enjoy & make love to him.....

but when.......................

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Maths paper......................

It was the shimmering time.

in my desert teenage life

refusing all the heavy burdens, just lighting up my delightful soul......

surpassing all the delightful junctions, rejecting the salient junction named "education".......

I wasn't conscious how salient though...

just tried to live with the teenage happiness.

the day I went to write the "Maths paper", without having any creeping fear....

when I got the paper, I inclined to think for an illusion......

that all the solutions will circulate around my head as a miracle

nothing circulated though, even a bit.......

I tried to stumble towards the goal "writing paper"......

but no one was there to assist me..

I twisted, leaned forward & drop backwards myself in the chair...


I was so pathetic.....

when I headed off from the hall with the desperation.....

no one near by my side......

It was the moment though..

that I determined my life, to make a difference........

hence I was inclined to emphasize on.............

"MY EDUCATION"................................................................

Friday, April 1, 2011

first day I saw u.....................

u were wandering here & there..

as a glowing piece of paper against the wind..

It was as though a shining soul

emerged to lit up ma glimmering destiny

i wasn't conscious,

how long I'm gonna be confused

I wanted to be confused though

with your smile..............

are u the angel,

god has created, to make me happy......

I would be stammered......

In front of your pretty soul...

,as I didn't know, which grabbed me...

but yet,

I know that you would make an immense change...

In my desert life....................