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Monday, November 8, 2010

my magic tooth

it was the worst reading week i have ever spent in my life. on the very first day of that reading week i woke up in the morning when sun kisses the top of the sky with lot of plans in my mind ahead of the week. prior to all of them, just after I wake up i went in front of the mirror of our bathroom to check my teeth. you might be wondering why the hell this person suddenly needed to check his teeth. well, i also don't know the exact answer for that yet. but I just intended to do that at that time. meanwhile i was checking that i saw a little black mark in one of my teeth and it made me curious. i hardly doubt that it might have been perished. but I was not conscienceless. that I was referred to my mom insensibly. i said my mom "there is a little black mark in one of my teeth, I'm wondering that what has happened". she scolded at me by saying "i told you to brush your teeth well, if u have done that, u won't be able to face these kind of hazards. i think that tooth has been perished". what?????????it can not be happened. I'm brushing my teeth really well. this is kind of a mystery.
well having heard that i went for my phone and then I phoned one of girlfriends. she picked the phone by saying "hi dear, watz up". then I said "i'm afraid I'm in a problematic situation, my mother keep saying me that one of my teeth has been perished. ". i know for a fact her father is a dentist. so i asked for an assistance to find out a good dental for a check up. Then she uttered me a certain number to have an appointment with. then suddenly i called to that number as though I'm in a rush to do a big surgery, to make an appointment. on that day i went for the check up. well after an instant that doctor told by checking at that tooth "of course u have to remove your tooth". than suddenly i heard the mournings of my tooth "no no, i can not be removed". i realized anyway I can not remove my tooth so i asked from my doctor that whether I have an alternative for this phenomenon than removing it. then he said "of course u have an alternative named nerve filling, but you have to incur kind of a high cost. then i was dried little bit and asked with a low voice "what kind of a cost do i need to incur?". then that dentist said "12000 bugs per one tooth".
"12000 bugs per one tooth,oh my goodness, It's like the hell ". nevertheless i didn't have a choice. I had to go for that. so I went home with the intention of asking for that money by describing the whole story. so I told everything to her and asked that amount of money from her. she perceived little bit as though she is conscious with the problem. after an instant she opened her mouth by saying "ok I can give you the money, but first of all you should do me a favor". then i asked "what is that?". then she told "just go to a public hospital and have a little checkup for your tooth because of my words.". i said sarcastically "no no mom, those people are not doing a good job, just give me the money and I 'll get that job done". then she told "ok, ok just as a favor for me do that, I'll promise to give you the money after that check up."because of her words i was persuaded to have a checkup where she appointed me. but inside of myself i was loughing sarcastically.
so very next day i went to that place.one certain doctor was appointed to me to have a checkup with. so after having a quick look of my tooth, she asked from whether it's paining. then i said when I'm normal it's not paining, but when I'm biting something. then without telling anything she just got one of her machines into her hands and she did something with my tooth. so only thing I felt at that time was some kind of a vibration in my tooth. after a little time period she told me "I'm done, you can go home now". I was surprised, what the hell???????????????????
then I told to that doctor "I went to a private nursing home to have a check up with, but that doctor told me you either have to remove your tooth or have a nerve filling that will cost me like the hell. but now you are telling me I'm cured, you can go home. I'm really surprised doctor". then she told me "no no, it was a little thing. I did what had be done, you don't want be worry about it again." so after I go home I described the whole story to my mother. then she told me "my dear son, I might not be familiar to this modern world. I might not be sophisticated like you and i might be a village person. but yet I can feel if my son is about make a wrong decision in his life or if my son is about to wander in a wrong route. I know the way to head off, if so ". So my dear friends through the incident happened to me I urge you just listen to your parents. even though you think that how sophisticated or how posh or how perfect you are, just listen you. If so, you won't become destitute in your life............................................