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Saturday, June 19, 2010

guess the person????????????????

look at that specific mark of his head.it's quite unprecedented. i have never seen this kind of a thing before.................................................
eruptions of a certain mouth just after his accouchement to this world you got inspired just before a while ago.exactly 8th june 1989 that sweet child opened his eyes to another dig on his path with that specific mark in his head.since then emphasis for that specific mark of people based on ever second youngest president of U.S.A.they observed it as the same place as he was shot down in his head.they were intending it as though their minds persuaded themselves to conceive like dat.because that child has been given his surname as the famous JFK's surname.
intial days of his childhood he was like an express train, which passes its digs sequent as he captured every basic task he was given in his life.one special day of his childhood when sun kissed top of the sky,he was embraced by the fresh air of intellectual intentions.as u think it was the first day of his school life.he was anticipating what kind of a world this could be,it could be fascinated,it could be a precious for me.but when he was studying there he understood this is not the world i dreamd,i want something more.
yes,as he thought he was given a chance to think about a new world as he passed his scolarship exam with 163 marks.with that result in his mind his intentions had been increasing upon what kind of a world it would be.do i suppse to work hard as lot of genius people should be there.with the first foot print to mother nalanda he was hug by the air drops of a fresh world.lot of teachers as well as lot of friends of him were astonished by his name as they thought that this guy comes from america.
he was little bit collapsed in his studies on intial days of his new school by his roguish life.
one day he saw two of his friends were doing a specific actvity with some pieces in their hands.it was impressive to him.after asked out from them he got known it's a game named chess.with the fascination, emphasis to that game of him had been increasing.so he urged himself to learn that game and became active member of nalanda college chess team.
how to rescue yourself from a disaster by tricks as well as how do u suppse to work according to a plan to compete with your rivals are the things he captured to his life through that concious game.even though he was little bit collapsed in his studies on intial days he worked hard towards his o/l exam.as a result he passed that exam with a good result and then chose maths stream to follow his A/L exam.In that time something mysterious was being happened to him.he was frustrated in his mind by fresh feelings of a romance. he anticipated it might be a good sign for his future.his whole soul was hug by cunnings of a beauty queen.it was a crush.his whole mind was adverted by these lyrics at that time.

I've been alone with u inside my mind..............................................
in my dreams i've kissed your lips thousand times.................................
i sometimes see you passed outside my door...................
hellllllooooooooooo,,,,,is it me your looking for.............................

but after a certain time period he understood he is not the one she was looking for.so he managed to rescue his soul from falling down liquid drops through his chicks.redemption of yourself from mourning is up to you,everytime he believes.after the redemption he worked hard towads his specific goal A/L exam, as he thought this is not the way i should live,i want something more.....
yes,as he was dreaming he found another path to run off his life with the accomplishment of his specific goal with a good result.one specific day of his young life he was made welcome by the fresh intentions of university life.he started his university life at UCSC but then after two months he got a letter that made him frustrated and put himself into a dilemma.he was traped either he needs to stay @ UCSC or choose TLM.but he was chosen TLM by nature.after came to TLM he understood he was given the correct path as TLM is one of most demanded degrees in the world recently.
he might be intellectualisam tire as if he does chess in universtiy life,he thought.so with that intention he chose baseball as his university life game as its something comprises with physical body.now he enjoyed his life so much with his actvities,with his batch mates very much.
now he is dreaming to inspire his life with another romance in near future.sometimes he flies to an ethereal world with his romantic intentions and dreams how he will stay closer to his loving wife,watching a romantic film by holding her hands @ their sweet home which will be infront of a magnficient river with inspired sounds of flowiing water.
he is dreaming his utmost carrier goal as to become a chairman of one of leading companies of sri lanka.but he is affraid,when he will approach to that target if he thinks,"this is not the way i should live,i want something more".but meantime just after he will be elected to that position,a certain person of that company will run to his collegues and act like this.suppose for a while you are those collegues and i'm the person who will be running to you as that person.when I approach ,I will declare "kudos for our company.guys, do u know the person who has been elected as our chairman,he is a nice guy but same way he is tough customer.everytime he believes upon boosting and this is not the way i should live.so guys if u want to survive in this company you should give yoour 100% to him and you should work hard.and i guess every one of you know about this guy well.if someone doesn't know,intially you should figure out him.and his name is mr:.................................................