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Monday, November 8, 2010

my magic tooth

it was the worst reading week i have ever spent in my life. on the very first day of that reading week i woke up in the morning when sun kisses the top of the sky with lot of plans in my mind ahead of the week. prior to all of them, just after I wake up i went in front of the mirror of our bathroom to check my teeth. you might be wondering why the hell this person suddenly needed to check his teeth. well, i also don't know the exact answer for that yet. but I just intended to do that at that time. meanwhile i was checking that i saw a little black mark in one of my teeth and it made me curious. i hardly doubt that it might have been perished. but I was not conscienceless. that I was referred to my mom insensibly. i said my mom "there is a little black mark in one of my teeth, I'm wondering that what has happened". she scolded at me by saying "i told you to brush your teeth well, if u have done that, u won't be able to face these kind of hazards. i think that tooth has been perished". what?????????it can not be happened. I'm brushing my teeth really well. this is kind of a mystery.
well having heard that i went for my phone and then I phoned one of girlfriends. she picked the phone by saying "hi dear, watz up". then I said "i'm afraid I'm in a problematic situation, my mother keep saying me that one of my teeth has been perished. ". i know for a fact her father is a dentist. so i asked for an assistance to find out a good dental for a check up. Then she uttered me a certain number to have an appointment with. then suddenly i called to that number as though I'm in a rush to do a big surgery, to make an appointment. on that day i went for the check up. well after an instant that doctor told by checking at that tooth "of course u have to remove your tooth". than suddenly i heard the mournings of my tooth "no no, i can not be removed". i realized anyway I can not remove my tooth so i asked from my doctor that whether I have an alternative for this phenomenon than removing it. then he said "of course u have an alternative named nerve filling, but you have to incur kind of a high cost. then i was dried little bit and asked with a low voice "what kind of a cost do i need to incur?". then that dentist said "12000 bugs per one tooth".
"12000 bugs per one tooth,oh my goodness, It's like the hell ". nevertheless i didn't have a choice. I had to go for that. so I went home with the intention of asking for that money by describing the whole story. so I told everything to her and asked that amount of money from her. she perceived little bit as though she is conscious with the problem. after an instant she opened her mouth by saying "ok I can give you the money, but first of all you should do me a favor". then i asked "what is that?". then she told "just go to a public hospital and have a little checkup for your tooth because of my words.". i said sarcastically "no no mom, those people are not doing a good job, just give me the money and I 'll get that job done". then she told "ok, ok just as a favor for me do that, I'll promise to give you the money after that check up."because of her words i was persuaded to have a checkup where she appointed me. but inside of myself i was loughing sarcastically.
so very next day i went to that place.one certain doctor was appointed to me to have a checkup with. so after having a quick look of my tooth, she asked from whether it's paining. then i said when I'm normal it's not paining, but when I'm biting something. then without telling anything she just got one of her machines into her hands and she did something with my tooth. so only thing I felt at that time was some kind of a vibration in my tooth. after a little time period she told me "I'm done, you can go home now". I was surprised, what the hell???????????????????
then I told to that doctor "I went to a private nursing home to have a check up with, but that doctor told me you either have to remove your tooth or have a nerve filling that will cost me like the hell. but now you are telling me I'm cured, you can go home. I'm really surprised doctor". then she told me "no no, it was a little thing. I did what had be done, you don't want be worry about it again." so after I go home I described the whole story to my mother. then she told me "my dear son, I might not be familiar to this modern world. I might not be sophisticated like you and i might be a village person. but yet I can feel if my son is about make a wrong decision in his life or if my son is about to wander in a wrong route. I know the way to head off, if so ". So my dear friends through the incident happened to me I urge you just listen to your parents. even though you think that how sophisticated or how posh or how perfect you are, just listen you. If so, you won't become destitute in your life............................................

Thursday, October 7, 2010

addison's diseased person

Oh god, this life is too much enough for me. I’m too exhausted. These equations, sums, problems are like the hell for me. Each and everywhere in my soul is being embraced by f=ma, f=mvw.

Contestant chair, members of the house.

When I was screaming due to the exhaustion of me, genius friends were beside me with the thirst of new girls. When I asked them what’s the secret behind being enjoyably like you people they said me “machan, listen to your passion and do what u want to do”. I nodded them as though I’m gonna make it happened in my life. But I was not conscienceless. When I saw the most fascinating girl after few days from that incident, even though I convinced myself that I’m gonna ask out from her, I was in a side and conceived how I had to be in books. So I fastened my desire which was embracing me upon her by a knot inside of my heart and I was just looking at her in my classes. If I was given a sum at the class, I used to solve it quickly and look at her. Only thing I increased through that was the speed of my calculations. But finally when I said about that girl to one my friends he told me “machan ask her right away otherwise u will be too late”. Instead of asking out from her I was with my opinion as though I’m gonna lose my whole life if I ask out from her. Spontaneously I became too late finally as my friend insisted me. Still I’m regretting as I didn’t allow my passion to evolve and secondly if u see that girl now you will be faint.

With the lesson I was taught, the main question I advert is why don’t people allow their passion to evolve? Why don’t they desire to do something along with their passion? If a person tries to make his job despite his passion it’s like a person tries to wander in a wonderland after covering up his two eyes deliberately with a black cloth so that he couldn’t see anything fascinated. When a person says to me machan I hate my job, I’m too exhausted definitely I ask from him “machan why did u choose that job?” If u can go to the bed every night with satisfied feelings that encompass you’re your whole body that would be the job suited to your passion.

One day a 30 year old person collapsed to the floor in one of London hotels when he was eating. And the person who was next to him astonished simultaneously and then admitted him to a hospital. The doctor who examined his health quoted as “this person live no more than one year”. That made lot of people frustrated expects the patient. He had heard those eruptions from mouths several times in his life. He knew he is embraced with a disease that caused by inadequate secretion of hormones by the adrenal cortex named Addison’s disease. Even though it indicated to the world through his brown skin and hair he didn’t reveal to the world and kept it as a secret. Despite his pain all over the body, shadow of dying young and the drugs, treatments that made him alive he pursued his passion. That person is the youngest president ever in the U.S.A John F Kennedy. When he was prohibited by his farther of playing sports due to the sickness; he yelled that “this world is unfair”. But he succeeded his evolving passion later by getting the name as the best athlete among presidents. It said that he was good enough to compete as a professional sportsman. Despite his disabilities he allowed his passion. That’s where he succeeded. Even though it said that “he is live no more than one year” at the age of 30, he was able to breathe the fresh air and inspire his soul till the age of 46 before he was assassinated. Even though birth to death his whole soul was grabbed by Addison’s disease, it couldn’t be able to grab his passion and achievements he accomplished.

When people scream by saying “god is nowhere to grant his compassion to accomplish my passion” without trying anything, that person with Addison’s disease paved the way to the world that how to achieve what you want. If u find someone with the hatred to his job, you should not be astonished as Most of them have chosen their life living style as they were emphasized. You don’t want to be like a load of goods that assigned to dispatch to a particular destination after embarking to a dark shell in a ship. You should know about your passion and then you should convince yourself to pursue your target as this life is a gift from god and you should enjoy every moment to the fullest. Spill the desires that have been bottled up in your heart on your whole body and inspire your body through it. If u ask from a little child whom do u want to become, most of them might say I want to become an engineer or a doctor. But that’s not he really likes to become in fact that’s what they have heard from the society as good. That’s the real difference between your inside desire and what you have been urged by the society. If you are able to distinguish those two, you would be able to expose to the world that how passionate person you are by manipulating your destiny. When Jawed Habib, Indian citizen began his carrier as a hair dresser, some people might laugh at him. But he listen what his inner soul whispers to him and he exposed his ability as a hair dresser by owning highest number of saloons all over the India and becoming one of richest persons finally. He reveals now his target to establish salons in Europe, in fact if I have a chance I won’t hesitate to build them extraterrestrial even. When Ichiro Suzuki, Alex Rodriguez earn more than 18 million dollars as baseball players in USA only thing we can do is open our eyes and see that how they have accomplished their passion in to a success as a consolation for our inner desires. When god gift us this life, the place we are being is like the middle of a jungle. From that day onwards we try to identify the exact routes to escape from that jungle to a wonderland as from birth to death people eager to identify their capabilities to overcome the place where they stand at the moment. That sequence of paces you take day by day should be In line with your inner desires. If u are courageous to pursue your passion god, this nature will assist you by manipulating this world and vanishing your disabilities. When my mom and relatives tried to persuade me to follow this course, that course, I was conscious and told “mom, let me proceed something with my willingness, I know I can be successful”. At that time she might be nervous with me but indeed now she is really happy as though I listen to her since I’m here now. Lot of people try to manipulate you by telling their inner desires but you should be really conscious about those advices. Those things might so fascinated for them, but they might not for you. If you become destitute after wandering on a wrong route your life might be nowhere. If you try to pursue what your inner soul whisper to you without chasing money, reputation, without hesitating from your disabilities you won’t become as an another human being to this earth, but someone special. By convincing myself from the motto of speak Olympiad 2010 “say what u want to say”, I declared what I passionate about to u people to chase what you want to chase.

Monday, September 13, 2010

something exceptional for the passion

he was on his way to the home as usual by passing so many miles. suddenly it was thundering unexpected. it was as though he might not be able to make it to the home before start rain for the usual task he has been assigned. it refers to as the redemption of her mother from her awful husband. he has gone through these two years by doing the same task, walking the same distance after he got himself qualified for the university life. he observes two lightnings crash each others as though their parents are gonna crash tonight. to interfere that and rescue her mother it's really salient for him to approach to his home as soon as he can, he was conscious about his task ahead ...........................................................................................................
before two years ago he was lucky enough to entire for the engineering faculty with his passion which encompasses his whole body of becoming an engineer. he adverts the day that he got heard the happiest news he has ever heard in his life apart from his sorrows. he dreamed that their parents will be happy and stop conflicts between themselves upon his success. but it wasn't and situation became worst than ever. addiction for liquors by his father is the fact for his fatigue to rescue his mother by walking so many miles by his legs themselves daily. but how many days,months, years he could be able to handle this ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
with a horrible sound of a lightning he is terrified and awakened to the real world from his imaginary world. I'm running out of my time. unless I'm quick, my mother will breath the air drops of awe.
everyday when the whole sky covers with dark clothes he closes his eyes and whispers to himself "my family is going to be the happiest family in this earth, there won't be conflicts anymore". he dreams sweet angels around the roof of his sweet home and full of prosperity and love of the human beings inside. he is afraid it's about to happen .................................
little distance to be approached. i should be hurry. he is exhausted. but his passion won't brook him to interfere his daily long journey. "I love you mother", he screamed with next foot step he touched to the earth and he felt like someone stabs his whole body with a knife. in front of his eyes was blooming simultaneously. he wasn't conscious of himself. he whispered "I'm so exhausted, allow me to close my eyes.............m.........y e.........y.........e........s, I......... l........u......v.. u........ m..........o...........t............................................................................................................."

mourners are everywhere of that little village. everyone talks about the passion of him despite his life like a hell. it was as though whole village covered by a huge white cloth. he might never thought his passion will be closed with a sorrowful ending. but by that time it was one week after his last air drop emitted to the wind. his mother is still unable to talk. she was stuck at the moment she got heard her son was passed away by a crash of lightening.this sorrow frustrated the whole lives of the village. that courageous human being passed away from this earth by giving tear drops to the eyes of the humans ......................................................................................................................................................................

Saturday, June 19, 2010

guess the person????????????????

look at that specific mark of his head.it's quite unprecedented. i have never seen this kind of a thing before.................................................
eruptions of a certain mouth just after his accouchement to this world you got inspired just before a while ago.exactly 8th june 1989 that sweet child opened his eyes to another dig on his path with that specific mark in his head.since then emphasis for that specific mark of people based on ever second youngest president of U.S.A.they observed it as the same place as he was shot down in his head.they were intending it as though their minds persuaded themselves to conceive like dat.because that child has been given his surname as the famous JFK's surname.
intial days of his childhood he was like an express train, which passes its digs sequent as he captured every basic task he was given in his life.one special day of his childhood when sun kissed top of the sky,he was embraced by the fresh air of intellectual intentions.as u think it was the first day of his school life.he was anticipating what kind of a world this could be,it could be fascinated,it could be a precious for me.but when he was studying there he understood this is not the world i dreamd,i want something more.
yes,as he thought he was given a chance to think about a new world as he passed his scolarship exam with 163 marks.with that result in his mind his intentions had been increasing upon what kind of a world it would be.do i suppse to work hard as lot of genius people should be there.with the first foot print to mother nalanda he was hug by the air drops of a fresh world.lot of teachers as well as lot of friends of him were astonished by his name as they thought that this guy comes from america.
he was little bit collapsed in his studies on intial days of his new school by his roguish life.
one day he saw two of his friends were doing a specific actvity with some pieces in their hands.it was impressive to him.after asked out from them he got known it's a game named chess.with the fascination, emphasis to that game of him had been increasing.so he urged himself to learn that game and became active member of nalanda college chess team.
how to rescue yourself from a disaster by tricks as well as how do u suppse to work according to a plan to compete with your rivals are the things he captured to his life through that concious game.even though he was little bit collapsed in his studies on intial days he worked hard towards his o/l exam.as a result he passed that exam with a good result and then chose maths stream to follow his A/L exam.In that time something mysterious was being happened to him.he was frustrated in his mind by fresh feelings of a romance. he anticipated it might be a good sign for his future.his whole soul was hug by cunnings of a beauty queen.it was a crush.his whole mind was adverted by these lyrics at that time.

I've been alone with u inside my mind..............................................
in my dreams i've kissed your lips thousand times.................................
i sometimes see you passed outside my door...................
hellllllooooooooooo,,,,,is it me your looking for.............................

but after a certain time period he understood he is not the one she was looking for.so he managed to rescue his soul from falling down liquid drops through his chicks.redemption of yourself from mourning is up to you,everytime he believes.after the redemption he worked hard towads his specific goal A/L exam, as he thought this is not the way i should live,i want something more.....
yes,as he was dreaming he found another path to run off his life with the accomplishment of his specific goal with a good result.one specific day of his young life he was made welcome by the fresh intentions of university life.he started his university life at UCSC but then after two months he got a letter that made him frustrated and put himself into a dilemma.he was traped either he needs to stay @ UCSC or choose TLM.but he was chosen TLM by nature.after came to TLM he understood he was given the correct path as TLM is one of most demanded degrees in the world recently.
he might be intellectualisam tire as if he does chess in universtiy life,he thought.so with that intention he chose baseball as his university life game as its something comprises with physical body.now he enjoyed his life so much with his actvities,with his batch mates very much.
now he is dreaming to inspire his life with another romance in near future.sometimes he flies to an ethereal world with his romantic intentions and dreams how he will stay closer to his loving wife,watching a romantic film by holding her hands @ their sweet home which will be infront of a magnficient river with inspired sounds of flowiing water.
he is dreaming his utmost carrier goal as to become a chairman of one of leading companies of sri lanka.but he is affraid,when he will approach to that target if he thinks,"this is not the way i should live,i want something more".but meantime just after he will be elected to that position,a certain person of that company will run to his collegues and act like this.suppose for a while you are those collegues and i'm the person who will be running to you as that person.when I approach ,I will declare "kudos for our company.guys, do u know the person who has been elected as our chairman,he is a nice guy but same way he is tough customer.everytime he believes upon boosting and this is not the way i should live.so guys if u want to survive in this company you should give yoour 100% to him and you should work hard.and i guess every one of you know about this guy well.if someone doesn't know,intially you should figure out him.and his name is mr:.................................................